- Kundenbewertung - Customer Review

Verdistraße 21
81247 München

iiQCheck-Index -Index

reviewed by 345 customers since January 2023


89 % of our guests would recommend us.
General impression
Room / Apartment
Location and Situation

Customer reviews

Language :
5,0/ 5
Everything very good
2,7/ 5
misleading photo gallery on website, depressing room, ZERO SOUND ISOLATION!!!!, absurdly high asking price for what you get
Commented by: &
Dear guest, Thank you very much for your feedback - we are very sorry that not everything was as you expected during your stay. We use your feedback to constantly improve and develop. We would be very pleased if you could give us more detailed information about what you did not like, what you would have liked to feel comfortable in your flat. Our photos on the website are all taken in our rooms, so we don't understand what you think is misleading. Munich is an expensive city, but we are in no way more expensive than other furnished flats. As long as each guest behaves at a normal volume, there should be no disturbance to other guests. If this is not the case, we will endeavour to talk to the other guests and remind them of the quiet times. Your reception team
4,9/ 5
I often stay with this company and never regret it - I have been to various addresses already, they are always clean and in accordance with the photos, the staff are also always helpful and flexible, which is more valuable than the quality of the room - thank you for that :)
Commented by: &
Dear Mrs Sikora, Thank you very much for your excellent feedback. We are very pleased that you are always happy to be our guest. For hygienic reasons, pots and pans are not included in our inventory and must be brought by our guests themselves. We are already looking forward to your next stay with us and wish you all the best until then. Your reception team
2,6/ 5
die Tatsache dass die Unterkünfte verstreut sind, manche sind sehr weit von der s Bahn zu Fuß entfernt, manche Zimmer stinken nach Rauch, Doppelbett gebucht und 2 einzelbetten erhalten
Commented by: &
Lieber Gast, wir bedauern es sehr, dass Ihr Aufenthalt bei uns nicht Ihren Erwartungen entsprochen hat. Wir versuchen uns immer anhand von Ihrem Feedback weiter zu entwickeln. Bei den Buchungen kann der Standort des Hauses und die Bettenart gerne als Wunsch angegeben werden und wir versuchen immer diese Wünsche zu erfüllen. Ein bestimmtes Haus und Bettenart kann jedoch nur über unsere Homepage und per mail gebucht werden. Wir arbeiten daran, Mails schneller zu beantworten und haben unser Team vergrößert. Die Zimmer sollten selbstverständlich sauber sein und dürfen auch nicht nach Rauch stinken. Leider gibt es immer wieder Gäste die sich nicht an das strikte Rauchverbot halten. Hier sind wir auf Ihr Feedback angewiesen um mit unseren Zimmermädchen ins Gespräch zu gehen, damit der Standard den wir haben auch immer erfüllt und eingehalten wird. Wir würden uns sehr freuen Sie bei Ihrem nächsten München Aufenthalt wieder als Gast bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen, um Ihr schlechtes Bild von uns wieder gut zu machen. Ihr Rezeptionsteam
4,3/ 5
Sauber, neuwertige Einrichtung, ruhige Lage (Rathochstraße)
Commented by: &
Dear guest, Thank you for your feedback - we are pleased that you were generally satisfied with your stay with us. We ask our guests to inform us of any internet faults so that we can try to rectify them. If there is a general fault, unfortunately our hands are tied. In Verdistr. there are some grocery shopping possibilities and in Pasing, 20 minutes away, there is the nearest shopping centre. We would be delighted to welcome you again as our guest during your next stay in Munich. Your reception team