PLAZA Premium Columbus Bremen
- Kundenbewertung - Customer Review

Bahnhofsplatz 5-7
28195 Bremen

iiQCheck-Index -Index

reviewed by 460 customers since May 2023


Customer reviews

Language :
3,6/ 5
The room itself was lovely, lots of space, but unfortunately the curtains in the room were not sized correctly so wouldn’t close. As a result my wife and I were waken when the sun rose, which was about 4 am. We made reception aware of the issue and they said they would rectify. They didn’t I have a simple mantra . Whatever I say to be true will be true. Unfortunately your staff utter words but with no conviction. They say they will sort a problem but then don’t bother. So, so disappointing but maybe that’s your company policy
3,4/ 5
The thing I was most happy with during my stay was when a lady working at reception named Antonia dealt with my request professionally and with a smile on her face.
5,0/ 5
We were pleasantly surprised by the room and the kindly person at the reception! Also the way we were treated during the breakfast was great. The service was perfect. Car parking was also great! We will certainly come back.


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